Live and learn

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

About a week ago, we thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and put both girls in the same room. We have since switched it back. Bad idea. Very very bad idea.

On a lighter note, I lost ten pounds in two days. Thank you super, horrible, awful stomach virus. I hope you torture someone other than myself or my daughters in the future. (sorry "other person")

Whew, I'm hoping this sickness stuff is over. The three of us girls have had strep, the flu, and the stomach virus since Christmas (and of course the ever persistent runny noses, coughs, and sore throats). I think we've covered all of the sickness bases, so hopefully we'll have enough immunities to stay well until next winter........


g+j said...

Ugh! Sounds like you guys have had a rough go of it lately. Hopefully you are done for now!

Also, the two in a room thing... it works for us sometimes, and other times, not so much. They do well for a while, and then one of them starts waking the other up and we have to separate them again. Ahhh well. It's a good idea in theory. :)