Happy Birthday Sadiebug!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Two. Two years old. I absolutely cannot believe she is already TWO. Time has absolutely flown by. We had so much fun celebrating Sadie's birthday on Saturday. We had a cookies & milk birthday party and we had a moonwalk...this is huge. We actually have a yard for a moonwalk. It was great. The kids had so much fun playing and Sadie felt so loved. The only downside is that Josh has been out of town and he wasn't here for the party. We missed him so much. But, I took lots of videos and sent them to him so he would know what we were up to. Here are some fun pictures from the party. I tried to get pictures of all the kids that were there, but you know how kids are...Nonetheless, thank you to everyone who came and made Sadie's day extra special. 

She got a bike from Mimi.  It's a balance bike and it might be the cutest thing ever.  She squealed when she saw it.

Here is a picture of Sadie's birthday cake - it was a strawberry milk cheesecake.  Too bad no one got to eat any of it.  I dropped it face down on the ground as I was carrying it out side.  womp, womp, womp.  It figures I would do something like that though.  :)

We went to Billys and had spinkle donuts Sunday morning on her actual birthday. 
My mom is the best.  There was no way I could've gotten everything done without her help.  Since Josh was out of town, I was in a little over my head and she was awesome.

Heather came over early to help us get everything together.

Alley is so sweet.  She cleaned up my room and made my bed while I was still getting everything ready.  So after I had finally gotten everything cleaned up that night, I went to my room to go to bed and it was so clean and awesome.  What a sweetheart!