Wow, the Christmas season is busy! In the midst of all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I've found myself taking a few quiet moments to reflect on all of the blessings in my life. I have been thanking God that I am still around to experience the exciting and the mundane known as my life. Each breath I take is a gift. Each moment that I experience is an opportunity. I have found myself not taking advantage of those opportunities in a way I wish I would. But as soon as one opportunity ends in failure, there's sure to be a second chance right around the corner. The death of our friend Jon has really made me think about life and what God offers me daily. I don't keep in touch with friends nearly as much as I should and I find myself putting off important phone calls for another day (and another and another). But I know exactly where Jon would be if he were given another day on this earth. He would be holding his wife and daughter. I want to make sure and give as much of myself to my family that I can, while I can. While I hate to say that other people and things sit on the back burners until they've become somewhat crispy, I am enjoying the moments and opportunities in my life right now. I am cherishing the last few months of it just being the three of us. I know that our second child will bring a whole new dimension and dynamic to our lives that will be amazing and I'll cherish every moment of that as well. I think back to the last few months before Ella was born while Josh and I were anticipating the birth of our first child and cherishing our last moments as husband and wife with no children. It was special.
Laurie had this scripture on her blog the other day and it struck a chord in me. It might have something to do with shepherds, sheep, and a savior being pounded into my brain for several months. While I tend to leave a lot out of my day to day life and overlook a lot of the small yet important things, God always has the time to come get me. Over and over and over again. He really is the good shepherd and I'm a shaggy, smelly sheep.
I am Your servant,
but I have wandered away like a lost sheep.
Please come after me,
because I have not forgotten Your teachings.
Psalm 119:176
I realize that I have randomly rambled long enough. The holidays make me extremely sentimental. So do the pregnancy hormones.
I miss you Jon. Merry Christmas, my friend.
moments and opportunities...and sheep
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Posted by paiger at 10:36 PM 3 comments
Labels: faith
my baby is no longer a baby...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
as in previous posts, ella is growing up so much lately. she's taking big steps to becoming a big girl. she's going to preschool, she sleeps in a big girl bed, she talks non-stop. the list just goes on. well yesterday i picked ella up from school and asked the teacher how she's been sleeping. she told me that she sleeps great and always sleeps the whole nap time and that they don't even give her the pacifier anymore. i've been putting off taking it away because i didn't want to make the teachers' lives miserable. but i've learned that people who work at daycares and preschools are not scared to try anything! i mean, to them, what's the worst that could happen? last night we figured we might as well see what happens and take it away. as josh and i were lying in bed about to go to sleep i told him "i'm going to give in tonight. i'm just too tired to fight." ella went to sleep at 8 and is still asleep now at 7am. so apparently she didn't need it anyway. i told my mom last night that once we take away the paci, we have given up that last thing that made her my little baby.
i guess we've still got to tackle diapers, but that's a whole different battle!
Posted by paiger at 6:45 AM 3 comments
Labels: ella
my kids
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
so i found out i was pregnant on september 11th. i was ecstatic! we had been trying for over a year and it finally happened (with a little help from some clomid). i can't believe i'm finally pregnant! we've waited so long and not always patiently. but i've finally made it to my second trimester and my morning sickness is really starting to ease up. my clothes are too tight and i'm battling some serious headaches, but at least the nausea is getting better! i have to say that when i was pregnant with ella, i thought about being pregnant ALL the time. it was constantly on my mind and this time is so much different. i'm too busy to think about it! between work, chasing ella around two days a week, and all the other things to do around the house there's not much time to sit here and relish over my pregnancy. i can already see how the second baby just doesn't get as much attention. it's still in the womb and it's already happening. i hope and pray that i'll find some balance by the time he/she gets here.
well, here's a picture of my two kids. i absolutely cannot wait for may 18th when josh, ella, and i get to meet this new baby. i love mommyhood!
Here's hoping ella gets a little more excited by the time the baby gets here! :)
Posted by paiger at 8:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: mommy-hood
growing up
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
with that said, monday went very well. we dropped her off and snuck out while she was playing. the teachers told me that she whined a little for mommy when the other kids' parents dropped them off, but other than that she was great. then for naptime, they gave ella her paci and she went right to sleep and slept for two hours! i'm impressed. so i went to pick her up and she was so happy to see me. she has NEVER been that happy to see me! so all in all, it was a great first day of school. which brings me to today....oh my gosh, it was horrible! as soon as we got there, she would not let me put her down because she knew if she took her eyes off of me, i was going to sneak out. so we sat down and played with toys for a few minutes, but she was not going to let me out of there. so, i handed her over to the teacher as she was screaming hysterically for me. I had to walk out of the room with her watching me and screaming "No Mommy, no! I wanna go bye-bye with you. Mommy NOOOOOOO!" Traumatizing...for the both of us. I walked out of there practically sobbing and cried all the way to work, which let to a horrific headache that lasted the rest of the day. I called at 10am and they said she was doing great. Since I work with my mom, I shared my sad story with her and she was sad too. So at 5, we both went to Little Hands to see her. She was so happy to see me. She had tears in her eyes as she ran up to me saying "It's Mommy, It's my mommy, Hi mommy!" I love her so much. It broke my heart today, but I know that she's going to adjust and she'll make friends and learn how to be much more flexible throughout this process. I did, however, tell Josh that he would take her to school from now on. I can't go through that again.
In order to get Ella prepared for sleeping on the mat, we moved her over to her big girl bed on Saturday night. Let me just say that I was expecting the worst and she has done awesome! I think the fact that she doesn't use a night light and it's pitch black in her room helps a lot. If she got up, she wouldn't be able to see her toys or books anyway, so what's the point? The first night at 2:30am, she accidentally got out of her bed and couldn't see how to get back in. So I heard her through the monitor saying "I wanna go night night, I wanna go night night". So i went in there and placed her back in bed under the covers and she went right back to sleep. The second night, she fell out of her bed and I heard her crying. I ran in there and she told me "Mommy, I f-f-f-ell d-d-d-down". It was so sweet. So I put her back in bed again, and right to sleep she went. Since then, she's done perfectly. She took a 3 hour nap on Tuesday and has just been awesome at it. I attribute it to all of the hard work we did when she was a baby, teaching her how to put herself to sleep and making it known that night time is for sleeping not for playing. That and the fact that I think she's amazing at anything she tries. Now i do have a feeling that once she gets used to things, she's going to test us and get out of bed just to see what we do, but for now we are enjoying an easy transition.
Here are some pictures of my grown-up little girl.
Ella's first day of school:
Posted by paiger at 8:15 PM 4 comments
Labels: ella, mommy-hood
Thursday, October 22, 2009
i'm one of those crazy people who doesn't like vaccinations. i stopped vaccinating ella at six months because i started educating myself and decided that our children get way too many vaccinations before they are two years old. now, i'm not so hard core as to think that vaccinations aren't good at all, i just think that they are pushed too hard and given too many. i decided over a year ago that when she turned two, i would start catching her up slowly....on my schedule, not my doctor's. i feel like it's the parent's responsibility to know and have an opinion on their child's healthcare. and BE EDUCATED!!! doctor's don't always know what's best. i'm not saying that they are harmful to children, but i'm also not saying that they aren't. What I'm saying is PROVE to me that they are safe! Let's see some (unbiased) research!
okay, now that i'm off my soapbox.....i had to take ella to get her MMR and varicella vaccination this morning. now, i said i was going to wait until she was two to start catching her up but ella is starting preschool on Monday. I cried while she got her shots and watched as they pumped those viruses into her precious little leg and I cried all the way home and prayed that God would take care of her body and give her an amazingly strong immune system. It was really traumatic for me.
Ella's original day to start school was January 5th, but due to some recent health issues with our current arrangements we had to bump that up. I happened to call Little Hands yesterday, which is so hard to get into, and they had an opening for their 18-month MWF class. I happened to call on a whim, hoping they'd have an opening and they did. I just wasn't expecting her to say that she could start on Monday. While it's obviously better timing for us, Mommy is not ready for Ella to start preschool. Luckily Little Hands is on Josh's way to work, not mine. I'd cry every day for the rest of the year if I had to drop her off. We'll both take her on Monday, so a few prayers would be appreciated. It's hard to know that for her first (almost) two years of her life, she was loved on continually and cared for by Josh and myself primarily, and for the past two months her Nonnie watched her once or twice a week. So this is hard for me to let a stranger take care of my child. Are they going to kiss her every bump and bruise when she walks up and asks them to? Will she feel like she can ask her teacher to kiss her bo-bos? Are they going to give lots of hugs? Will she feel secure? There are so many things running through my head and I just hope that she adjusts well. I take comfort in knowing that if she absolutely hates it or Mommy feels like it's not time yet, I can always take her out and try again another time. She's also got to learn how to sleep on a mat. So you might say a few prayers for her teachers too :)
Here's to my beautiful little girl, who is growing up so fast right before my very eyes. I love you Ellabell and I hope you have so much fun at school.
Posted by paiger at 12:36 PM 4 comments
Labels: ella
avery comes to visit!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Posted by paiger at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Posted by paiger at 2:56 PM 4 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
i'm sitting here listening to josh and ella reading books through the baby monitor as he's putting her down to bed and i can't help but feel so completely and utterly blessed for my life and all God has provided. I have an amazing husband who is an amazing father to our amazing daughter. There is no greater feeling for a mother and a wife. Life is good....real good.
Posted by paiger at 7:10 PM 2 comments
Labels: family
ella days
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Posted by paiger at 8:22 PM 2 comments
Labels: ella, mommy-hood
and so it begins
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
okay well i started this blog over a month ago. i was waiting to post it so that i could get a super cute picture of ella on the potty, but that hasn't happened (and may never happen) yet. maybe soon. i'm so behind.
Started 8/8/2009:
the potty training has commenced! after having a potty in ella's room for a few months now, she has never really been too interested. so, i decided to try something different. instead of having the little miniature potty that sings when you pee on it (something we have not yet witnessed and i am unwilling to give it a test round!), I put the little potty seat on the actually potty in ella's bathroom. she has a little step stool and it is so much fun for her to climb up and sit on the big girl potty. so we spend lots of time during the day up in her bathroom, she on the potty and me on the floor right in front of her. ella's new thing is whispering, so we will whisper conversations back and forth and then we sing songs. i made up a tinkle song and every time i sing it, it's different but she still loves it. so anyways, wednesday night after sitting on the potty for about 10 minutes, she finally peed! as she was going, she whispered "listen". And when she stopped, she looks at me and says "again". It was so funny! So she's gone tee tee a few times now and everytime it's like she's moved mountains!
right now i'm torn with where to go next....i've read that if you use pull-ups it can slow down the whole process and then if you just let them run around your house for a week peeing on themselves and the floor and anything else that they are near, it will go faster. so i'm thinking i'm going to try to find something a little in between. first step, we're going to make a "potty box" that stays in the bathroom. it's going to have magnets and a magnetic board and a few other things that she can play with, but only while she's on the potty. we will see if it actually works (it does by the way).
in other ella news, she is no longer figuring out how to talk. she's full out talking. her new phrase is "i don't like it". it does sound more like "ah-own like it" but you have to get the texas accent going...really drag it out.
Posted by paiger at 2:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: ella, mommy-hood
Thursday, September 10, 2009
i don't really know how to start my next blog. i realize that it's just a blog, but it seems like every day that passes is one day further away from jon. if i write my next blog, then that means i've moved on. i know that really isn't the case, but that's the way it feels. every day, something happens that makes me think about him. or another story gets told with "jon and i...." or "remember when jon..." or "i can't believe when jon...". if feels like moving on means moving on without him, even though there's nothing i can do to change that fact that he isn't here anymore. i will watch ella reading her books or splashing in the bathtub and it makes me sad that jon won't ever get to experience these things that i treasure so much with my own daughter. my earthly mind cannot comprehend heaven, so i am stuck in this mindset that he's missing out on so much. my faith tries to convince me otherwise.
so to move on, most of my favorite memories are from our time in the army. we were so young (and stupid) and we had so much fun. when josh and i were dating, i spent my spring break during my senior year in college to go visit josh. he lived in the barracks. he knew no one. he had no car. he'd only been at fort campbell for a couple of weeks and jon was home on leave. so i had to come keep him company. i know, i had to right? :) but josh had to work all day. the army doesn't get a spring break. well being on an army base and not having a car or anyone else around, it got rather boring. i laid on josh's cot and listened to a lot of matchbox twenty and three doors down. and being the "girl" that i am, i figured i might pass some time by playing "dress up". this was fun. josh came back in time to take a picture. and boy was that heavy.
that time period holds so many fond memories for me. i got to spend so much time with two of my best friends. it was definitely a special time.
Posted by paiger at 11:03 AM 2 comments
Labels: Jon
my friend jon
Monday, August 17, 2009
Posted by paiger at 4:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Jon
five years and counting...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Our waitress took a picture of us over our delicious dinner. We had milk chocolate swirled with crunchy peanut butter as the "sauce". Then on the tray in front of us there were strawberries, rice crispy treats, cheesecake, pound cake, graham cracker covered marshmallows, oreo covered marshmallows, and brownies that we dipped into the chocolate. It was amazing. They also gave us complimentary anniversary toasts of champagne. Ahhmazing!
Posted by paiger at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Labels: josh
hold it?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Posted by paiger at 10:34 AM 3 comments
Labels: ella
Thursday, July 16, 2009
i was out of town last weekend working a chrysalis flight (which was awesome, by the way). But i was gone thursday through sunday. it was hard being away from ella, but not as hard as i thought it would be. i'm so used to being away from josh. the two of us are good at that. but it was my first long weekend away from the girl. well, let's just say she still hasn't let me off the hook. she is the ultimate daddy's girl. she and josh were sitting on the couch this morning and i was sitting on the other side of the couch. i decided to slide over and put my head on josh's shoulder and ella did not like that. she made me take my head off of his shoulder and then she squeezed herself right in between us so that i couldn't sit next to him. someone is jealous (and that someone is me!!)
i'm hoping she goes easy on me soon.....she'll need someone to buy her new clothes someday and it definitely won't be daddy. she'll come back to me then :)
Posted by paiger at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: ella, mommy-hood
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Here Matt and I are working the Watermelon Eating Contest
Josh entered round three, but he lost...



Posted by paiger at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: church
Monday, July 6, 2009
Babies grow up so fast. I can remember countless people telling me how fast it will go by and to enjoy every moment. You don't really know it until you look back yourself and think "Wow, when did all that growing up happen?" But I admit, I am one of those moms who kept saying "I can't wait until Ella can ___". When she was rolling, I couldn't wait until she was crawling. When she was crawling, I couldn't wait until she was walking. And I have to say that each stage has been better than the last. I don't look back and miss the baby stage. While it was wonderful while we were there, it passed. But right now, where we are today, I never want it to end. Ella is talking so much. Not only is she talking, she's making sentences. She understands practically anything I say and she always responds appropriately. It's amazing. She is just so much fun and I never want her to get any bigger!! This is definitely my favorite age.
Posted by paiger at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: mommy-hood
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sleeping in the hotel was a bit tricky because Ella doesn't ever sleep in bed with us. But we found that if we turned on the DVD player and put in Monster's Inc. (her new favorite movie), she would watch it and then pass out due to exhaustion! She stayed up later than we did! :) If you ask her about Monster's Inc, she'll tell you about "Sully/Kitty", "Baby" (Boo), and "Circle" (Mike Wizowsky). She's so funny!
Ella and Daddy also had a little fun playing basketball. Ella and I made some paper trees and paper dogs.
After the wedding was over, we headed up to Clarksville where we had an AMAZING time and caught up with our wonderful friends that we dearly miss! We got to see Joe and his girlfriend Bre (or as Ella would say, Doe and Bee). Ella had a great time playing with Lola's toys while we sat around and caught up (beer and pizza!). The next day, we were able to visit with Jon and Nicole and Addison and ate lunch at one of my favorite restaurants: Blackhorse. I had to forgo the vanilla beer as I was driving us back to Memphis right after lunch. We made our flight home on time...barely. Apparently we can't be early anywhere we go (which drives Josh crazy!). But all in all, it was a wonderful trip and we can't wait to go back to Tennessee, my favorite state.
Posted by paiger at 4:23 PM 3 comments
Labels: family fun
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Posted by paiger at 8:25 PM 1 comments
Labels: ella, mommy-hood
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Josh started back to school this week after a short break. His schedule isn't too bad, though. I'm just excited that I get two to three days at home every week. Tomorrow is another one of those days :) Josh has also been helping my parents around their house doing some home improvements. We all spent the day over their on Saturday. Here are some pictures of what we were up to:
Daddy was definitely not having as much fun as us....
And here's a picture of my little white trash baby girl in her swim diaper and crocs....
Rowan actually learned how to ride her bike a few moments before this picture. What a cool day to have the camera ready. I still remember the day Chase taught me how to ride my bike.
To finish it all up, I'm going to tell you to go by the Tenth Avenue North CD. I had one of those moments last night where I encountered Christ in my car. I think those moments only come to me through music, so I love it when it happens.
Posted by paiger at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: ella, family fun